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09.07.2002 Tuesday morning @ 12:36 a.m.
*Money Matters*

Fuck. The monitor's giving me problems again. Fuck. And I'm not going to apologise.

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It is with the greatest pleasure that I announce this...not. The start of the orientation was just as I expected. All talky-talky time. I should not have come. But on second thoughts, maybe I should be on more disciplined mode. Be a good gerl and attend each and every one single talky-talky session and only go off when everything is well and truly finished. Like, for fuck's sake?? I sure as hell am NOT going to be an ass and attend redundant sessions which I can easily obtain through the goddamn portal. Like, ohhh...yada yada can copy this down but actually this is for the less IT-savvy people...those who are much better at computers can just go and download the blah blah blah blah blah...frigging fucks! And I sat through the whole session till lunch time for THAT??

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My language is getting from bad to worse. Each day I am not getting better and better. Au contraire, I am deteriorating. Not only my vocabulary has suffered, my pronunciation is now inaudible, thanks to constant mumbling. What the hell has happened to me? Argh! My words and sentences are constantly peppered with profanities and abusive slangs, such that I don't feel bad at mouthing them all the time.

Erm...hold on a sec...*chokes*...all the time? Yipes. This is not good. NOT good.

But then again, this is just a cause-and-effect procedure. As my P always say, in life we must always have procedures. Why? Simply because procedures are needed for documentation. And why do we need documentation? Well, just because with documentation she can always save her big filthy ass. Hah! Procedures my foot! Such people should be hanged or burned right at the stake for suggesting triple and quadruple unnecessary work.

And you know what? I also hate the idea that money is so essential. Don't tell me that money can't buy me love. Yes it can honey. Money can buy you love, if not why would Anna-Nicole sleep with an 80-year-old invalid who's fit enough to be her granddad? Bleah. Love indeed. It's amazing how some people can profess their love and yet not do anything to support it. Like say, oh...I don't want you to waste your life away blah blah should know and set your priorities blah blah blah...I'm responsible for you blah blah blah...and yet they can usurp your hard-earned moolah just like that without thinking how hard you worked your ass off and how painful the working experience was, just to get that monthly stable income.

Just imagine. You trust and love that person enough to let them do whatever they like with the money, and yet, yet they abuse your trust from time to time. No matter how many times you talk to him/her abbout it, it's like talking to deaf ears. They'd promise to be good and not do it again, but after some time, they'd revert to their old ways and CLICK! Pop goes the weasel! You're back to square one.

I just hate it. At times I hold myself back because I love and respect the person, but then there are times when I feel like becoming a selfish bitch and keeping all that cash to myself. But that dogged loyalty always prevents me from time to time. It's like, oh it's alright, it's okay. My money is his/hers too. But until when?? Until WHEN??


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