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10.08.2002 Saturday noonish @ 12:22 p.m.
*Cousins Galore*

My aunt has a cukur rambut ceremony for her new daughter today. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to be there early since I have something else to attend but at least, I know that I'll be there eventually.

To me, it's not just a matter of a cukur rambut ceremony. It's also a gathering of family members, especially cousins. I miss my cousins. Haven't seen them for quite a while, save for maybe Jannah whom I last saw last last Friday(?), if I'm not mistaken. Can't wait to see them especially Yaya and the little maknenek. Been curious to know their latest progress and all.

Now that she's an addition to the cousins' clan, I'm sure that the little one will be able to fit in nicely with all of us, even though when Raifana Humaira turns 20, Jannah, Yaya and me will be makciks already. *grin* Ahh...that'll be the day, Insya Allah.

. . .

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