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03.09.2002 Tuesday morning @ 2:45 a.m.
*Bad Bad Day*

WARNING: The entry below contains very explicit words that might offend you. It had been written in an empty book while the writer vented her anger and waited for her computer to reboot. Those who take great offence are advised to just piss off.

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I feel so bloody fucked up!

First of all I had to work on my Webquest project, right from 11am-6pm straight. I didn't buy me any lunch because I thought I'd be meeting my dear for dinner. But nooo...the stoopid problems that occurred during our project hindered us from getting away earlier, all thanks to some bloody stubborn people who INSIST on doing fonting + graphics + word-art + searching for some useless clipart + changing the alignment for some stoopid table for some evaluation, that I felt as if I was just there wasting my time. At some point in time, I just couldn't be BOTHERED to do anything, simply because there wasn't anything else to work on! And with those BLOODY STUBBORN PEOPLE WHO REFUSE TO LISTEN TO OTHERS AND THEN KEEP HOGGING THE COMPUTER, it really gets on my nerves! And there I was, sitting there, blinking away, craning my already-stiff neck, trying to see whether I'd be of any help. Argh! Some people are just impossible!

And then I hadn't eaten nor drunk anything, which was partly my fault because I refused to buy any food since I really wanted to spend some time with my dear. And then I get home, all hot + tired + flustered + hungry + sleep + stiff all over especially the neck, and what did I find but that my precious one and only packet of pattaya rice had been "invaded" upon! Argh!! What I really hate is people intruding into my privacy and that includes food! I mean, you want to taste a little. Fine with me. But can you like do it AFTER I AT LEAST GET TO EAT A LITTLE BIT OR MORSELF OF MY FOOD??? Argh!!! Where's the courtesy in that?? Would you like it if say, you go to an eatery and order something nice, but even before you get the chance to try your food, the waiter/seller/whoever dips his fingers/spoon/ladle into your food and tastes a bit to bite? NO, RIGHT?! So that applies to me too!

And well, here's the best bit yet. I was surfing around after a hard day's work, trying to relieve some stress and what do I see after I click on my F.C Comm-0 page? My bloody ex's clip of his engagement ceremony with the following snippet : "Here is a clip of our engagement ceremony you guys missed." For God's sakes, missed? Missed?? What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean?? YOU were the one who ajak-ajak ayam, putting on an oh-so-hugely-scanned picture of YOUR engagement card, complete with rings, and then when we ask whether we're invited or not, what do you say? "Oh, my mommy said that the rice might be finished with so many guests, so it's best if you guys don't turn up *hint hint*." Fuck you man! I'm not bothered whether you get engaged or not in the first place and if you think that I'm writing this because I want you back, then well you're bloody mistaken. I just can't stand that fucking egoistic attitude of yours! Acksyen melebih. If you didn't want to invite us initially, then don't bother to announce to us sooo many times. And bloody don't announce it to the whole world on your "weddsite", because it simply makes it seem as if you're inviting the whole world and that you want them to come. That's one hell of a bloody fucking attitude! (To the girl, I think you're a very nice girl even before I meet you, if I ever. I have no problems with you. It's just your husband-to-be. I apologise to you but I am simply stating MY opinion and if you don't like it, then please come and clarify with me. If you happen to read this, email me and I'll arrange a meeting face-to-face.)

Oh, and the icing on the cake? My computer has been so-called "bugged" by a stoopid, irritating search engine pop-up that has no shutdown icon and simply makes my taskbar disappear. And when I try to right-click on it to close it, it just WON'T close but instead, MORE bloody clones of the same pop-ups appear. THAT'S BLOODY IRRITATING IF YOU ASK ME!

Now get the fuck out of here!!!

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