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21.09.2002 Saturday afternoon @ 4:10 p.m.
*Amazing Grace*

I realise that this world is very very small, so that makes Singapore even smaller. It's pretty amazing how one person can be related to the next and how there are various connections among many people.


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Yesterday the four of us finally met up after a long period of time. Ages it's been. He looked thinner but fitter and his goatie's gone! Haha. I was just so amazed when he flexed his arm and oooh...muscles! You know, I've always been obsessed about my weight and all and seeing him so fit, it really made me determined to take up running again. Gotta work those calves.

While we were in the middle of food, whom should we see but one of their friends and her friend, and it turned out that she's related to Huda. *grin* Small world isn't it?

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I was doing some random surfing and I decided to just read this one diary. Hadn't been there for ages and to tell ya the truth, I only drop by occasionally. She writes well though. Full of equivocations and hidden meanings, and that's how I write too. She's got lots of good language around and then I spotted a link which I clicked on promtly.

And it turned out to be the link of this one guy with whom I had chatted with several times before but stopped due to a misunderstanding. I was positive it was him since the description fitted and all, what with his favourite Radiohead song (which is one of my favourites too but that's a coincidence) and him being in the same institution that I am. Definitely positive. My gut feelings never lie, just like I told Azila yesterday night.

Oh, and one of this linguist girl's friends happens to be one of our 1st 3 months Malay class friend. But she went to YJ after that. I remember her a lot because we had so many girls with the same name. There's the handsome one, the one in our endpoint comm, the one who was in PYSS...the list goes on. But all of them are nice people so I have come to the conclusion that, it is a good name and I'm considering it. *grin*

By the way, linguist girl is in school too.

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Things always turn out to be great or surprising or whatever and well, it amazes me sometimes.

I will stop time.

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