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01.10.2002 Tuesday afternoon @ 1:47 p.m.
*Projects and Presentations*

Humming Cranberries' "Dreaming My Dreams". No idea why.

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Here I am, still at home. Haven't packed my bag yet. My class starts at 3.30pm and I'm desperately hoping that Big D will send me to school. With a whiz and zoom and off, off, I'm away!

I'm particularly nervous for tomorrow. Two tests and two presentations, can you believe it? Well I can. Once tomorrow is over, there'll be just 1 more test the following day. And then I have to worry about Friday when we have to hand in that stoopid ELE groupwork. Haven't got down to that yet. Hmmm...and that wretch still has my ruler. Talk about borrowing and never giving back. I know, I know, I'm so evil but I just can't stand her nowadays. I mean, I dunno, she just gets on my nerves. Maybe it's all due to our recently-ended WQ. Bad experience from that. As people say, once bitten, twice shy. Well, there ya go. I've been bitten. Somehow or rather, I don't think I'm that shy.

Am I?

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Gotta go get ready now. Ta.

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