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01.10.2002 Tuesday night @ 9:08 p.m.
*What A Wonderful World*

I wrote some crap when I was in the train but after I read through it the second time, I realised that I wasn't just mad with children in the train. I was also mad at every other annoying little thing that Singaporeans do in general.

So here's a list that I sorta generated in my head, what with a lovely title and all. Been goddamn long since I made up a list like this haven't I?

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Annoying things that Singaporeans do when they are using public transport

1. They bring their tiny children along and allow them to HOWL and YELL as LOUD as possible, with minimal effort of trying to calm them down.

2. They also allow their pre-adolescent children to use public transport ALONE and make a HUGE NUISANCE of themselves by hanging onto the railbars and jumping up and down like Superman.

3. They make little IRRITATING licking noises with their tongues, indicating that they either have just enjoyed a sumptuous dinner and they are going to let every single person on the train/bus know that fact OR they are trying to remove some piece of food stuck between their teeth, which just goes to show that flossing or brushing their teeth after every meal helps!

4. They HUG and KISS as if they're in their own private sanctuary, mindless of the stares and glances from concerned citizens who might turn out to be their long-lost distant relative who is intent on letting the cat out of the bag to their parents and other family members.

5. They have handphones that are set to MAXIMUM volume and make such a din when those same handphones ring and ring like nobody's business.

6. They also REFUSE to answer their handphones immediately but instead LET the phones ring and ring so that they can listen to the ringtones from the start to the finish.

7. They also TALK LOUDLY, letting the entire world into their conversations, regardless of whether other people are interested to know in the first place.

8. They FALL asleep after a long day at work/school and conveniently let their heads DROP onto your shoulder when their bodies "unintentionally" sway and rock side to side due to the "uncontrollable jerking of the train/bus".

9. They PRETEND to be asleep whenever an old person/pregnant lady enters the train/bus so that they won't be able to give up their precious seat to other needy people.

10. They STAND at one single area and REFUSE to budge or move to let other commuters in, having the impression that they either own the train/bus or that single area is actually the secret spot for hidden treasure that might be buried underneath the floor.

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"Compared to the past, we have also made good social progress..many Singaporeans are kind and generous."

-Speech by Mr Sidek Saniff, Senior Minister of State For The Environment at the Tree Planting Ceremony to commemorate the third World Kindness Conference on Saturday, 18 November 2000, 2.00 pm at the Marina City Park.


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