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06.11.2002 Wednesday afternoon @ 2:56 p.m.
*School, education and the rules*

I'm supposed to call my supervisor and the school but I'm frigging lazy right now. Plus, it's raining and I don't like to call when it's raining. The systems go all queer and inaudible and then they can't hear me properly because I have this tendency to mumble at times. Argh.

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Been a sort of a nosyparker recently. Surfed almost everyone's online diaries and now I have really convinced myself that I'm a diary stalker. Ack. Anyhow, I stumbled upon a couple of diaries from Brunei. I was very surprised when I read their bios because judging from the way they write and what they write, I wouldn't have guessed that they're old (or would that be young?) enough to be my students. They'd be as old as my P6 girls and I am thinking that they're also most probably as tall and mature as the tallest girl in 6D. Mmmm..and I'm suddenly reminded of this girl.

Her name's Nadia and she's Chinese. Or is it mixed? Or...oh well, it doesn't matter. She's tall, confident and mature for her age. I taught her class Physical Education (PE) for 2 years running so you can say that I was pretty tight with them, her included. Anyhow, there was this one time we were all in the hall for gymnastics, waiting for the rest of the girls to turn up. As usual there'd be a little crowd around me, chatting brightly and complaining about their other teachers (which is a scary thing really because you never know when they might be complaining about YOU). Nadia was one of these girls and then casually, she flicked her hair away from her left ear, tucking it in neatly, and showed me her newly-pierced stud. Or was it an earring? Oh well, for the life of me, I'm digressing.

So I was a little shocked and I quickly asked whether her form teacher knew about it, which I'd prematurely guess, no. The cheeky girl even said that she (her form teacher, my colleague) hadn't taken much notice and was pretty "blur" (*Note: a colloquial term for dazed and confused) so luckily for Nadia, no reprimands or anything of the likes. But well, I reprimanded her and warned her that she might get caught because the rules in primary and even secondary school state that girls should only have one pair of studs/earrings and yada yada get my drift. It might seem like a stupid rule in other countries but here in Singapore, it's like that. It's not as if we're some unquestioning dogs but you have to admit, the girls do look neater and more scholarly. *grin* I work for them so I have to champion their policies. *sigh*

But don't get me wrong. The rules are only such for the 2 levels mentioned. For tertiary and higher levels, girls are allowed to put on as much jewellery as they want to (since they want to risk getting laid by thieves or robbers alike), but there is still that code of dressing and conduct that they have to abide by. Wonder how the rules are in other countries?

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I've been reminiscing. Yet again. *sigh* A true-blue sign that I really miss my kids.

Oh well, happy fasting for all you Muslims out there.

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