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07.11.2002 Thursday afternoon @ 4:48 p.m.
*And in the end there were...*

Have you ever seen that one Milo commercial on TV? You know, they have a very cheesy-sounding slogan that goes something like : "We are not swimmers. We are dolphins..." Er, excuse me? Dolphins? Yikes.

That was very lame.

. . .

It's amazing how so many things can occur from just a single guestbook entry. You either become adversaries or acquaintances. I think that's how my buddy list became longer.

Somehow, when you start to read more and more into other people's lives, you realise how much in common you have with them. I mean, okay, it's not always but at times, you notice that you started out just like the other party(ies); you had insecurities and opinions and you wanted to write it down somewhere. Or you grew up in the same area that they are now living in, or you'd also wished that you didn't have to go through national exams at that point in time, or you'd had a bad day at work/school and you were crying and here they are crying too...sometimes you don't realise that you actually have so many similar things that you share with them.

And then when you become closer with them, you meet some other old acquaintances through them and at that moment, the nail hit you on the head. You shared mutual friends and you didn't even know until you decide to probe further. In the end, your virtual world becomes one big happy family and everyone shares chocolate chip cookies that someone else had baked.

The world is actually a small place.

. . .

I must still get myself a mixer.

. . .

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