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19.11.2002 Tuesday morning @ 5:21 a.m.
*Read-dle me this, read-dle me that*

I did something. *chuckle chuckle chuckle* No, I did not slap Biggie-Joe's butt! Au contraire, I've been a very good girl and I never teased him at all. *chuckle chuckle chuckle*

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I know most people are in the mood to shop for their Eid Mubarak stuff. Clothes, household appliances, decorations, goodies...gosh, I haven't done anything. The least I did was get that mixer (which is now stale news and why did I include it here in this entry??) and that was it. I've ventured to the ever-crowded Geylang area and I've made a vow never ever to go there at night, during or nearing the weekend. I'm with Biggie on this one. We are both claustrophobic and it was simply stuffy to the max to be mashed up with probably a few dozen thousands other people, eager to soak in the fasting spirit of Ramadhan. Gah! I think I get angry every time I go there.

On a much happier note, I've managed to finish 2 books in a day, literally pushing my nose into them every single second, even during breaking fast. I know, it's simply rude to read during dinner with The Family was getting to the most intruiguing part! Rarr! I'm turning into that same book-monster 10 years ago. I can still see it now; I'd be there at the table, a book propped up against my plate and grandmama would come screeching into the kitchen and fuss, fuss, fuss because "it is most improper and certainly not lady-like to be reading while eating". Not good manners. Blah! So sue me for being a bookwork. I know there's a time for everything, but when you're in a state of emergency and in need of the loo and you're in the middle of an iceberg in Alaska, do you stop thinking that you need to pee and just muster up your courage to go on walking as per normal? Gah! You'd just be wanting to let it all out wouldn't you?

That's what I'm saying. I simply have to read and I don't care what time it is (and it is NOT Tiger time) and if people can read while they're in the loo, doing their big business, why can't I be reading at dinner-time? Furthermore, I'm usually alone when I eat. Gah!

Oh shikes, it's time for my morning prayers now. Can't eat till sunset. Loving every minute of this, I am!

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I wonder..will I be getting an email from a certain Mr. Z? *wry grin*

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