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27.11.2002 Wednesday morning @ 3:41 a.m.
*Favourite word of the day: Stupid*

I have learnt something new today. Never ever try to update when you're downloading a file of over 2 or more MB. It's pure agitation.

. . .

Tonight I am especially agitated. I think it escalated from the previous incident but I'm coping okay. So far, it's been okay. Anyhow, people can be really really stupid. They will ask you stupid questions and they never use their senses enough. Which explains why they're stupid see?

Darn, I have a feeling my menses is coming soon. Yippeee!

Back on track, have I mentioned those stupid people? They're idiots really. They ask you for directions and then when you tell them nicely, trying to be polite, they ask the same question over and over again. Which just gets my goat because they're just...well, stupid!


Bloody asses. Don't mind me though. It's a whole domino effect. Not like it's alien to me, it's not. Encountered this many times before. First I'll get sad and then I get depressed. And then I'll start to mellow and following that I become pissed at people for asking me the same question repeatedly. Following which I'll get even more pissed when they just can't get it into their thick skulls that I have answered their questions. Gah!

They're just imbeciles.

. . .

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