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03.12.2002 Tuesday morning @ 1:25 a.m.
*A little bit of me, a little of that*

I have come to a conclusion that most Singaporean Malay males are afraid of Singaporean Malay female trainee teachers.

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A constant user of the IRC, I hardly chat with strangers. So what might my purpose be you may ask? Well, for one thing, I'm mostly static in one particular channel, which I call my "home". And I hardly budge from there, unless I'm curious and want to take a peek at who's who online in other channels. *sneaky grin*

Anyhow, when male strangers ask me some things, I tell them the truth. And then they stop chatting altogether. I mean, hey, sure I've got someone, and I make that clear right from the beginning. Then most if not all the time, they quietly leave one by one, their sole purpose of chatting I know only too well. We all know don't we? We're not born yesterday. And sometimes there's someone on the other side who just wants a good chat session and we talk about things from music to world affairs to human behaviour.

When they enquire about my occupation, I simply tell them I'm a trainee teacher or that I'm in NIE. And usually an idiot or two will go on to ask me whether I "enjoy teaching small kids" or "what subjects do you teach" or many other ignorant questions. When I'm in a good mood, I'd answer as politely and as nicely as I can but usually I'm slightly triggered to death and I simply type them the official NIE website so that they answer their own questions. Mean, but that's me. They're just ignorant and that's the first step to educating them.

However, oddly enough, there are some who are just afraid of us I guess, or intimidated or whatever, such that they just never respond back. It amazes me because these people, they're in the mid-twenties range, not adolescents or that old. They're just in between. The older men are such a stark contrast to them, being more open and wonderful to talk to. And yet..*grin*..well, Suhainis and the rest would probably laugh at me at this remark of mine. *grin* And the younger ones? Well...the really younger ones are, I'm afraid, just children.

Actually, my conclusion wasn't much of a conclusion. But it did give me something to write about, haha.

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On another note, I'm slightly pissed about something else.

I don't know if friends are aware of this. I suspect not all of them might be aware but at least if they read this, they'd know a little bit about me. The thing is, I might appear to be a laidback person, unbothered by too many things, unfazed by complications. But actually, I can be particular, just like I am now. I might not be particular about punctuality (*Note: big grin!) or the way you dress or anything else, but I am particular about promises.

If you say you're going to do something for me and you have given me your word, I'd expect you to keep your word. Even if you can't, I'd try to understand but please, do notify me in the least and provide a reasonable explanation. Well, sometimes notifying is enough. And all these applies to friends, people whom I've known for some time and who know what I'm like more or less. But if you're someone who's just made my acquaintance, and you don't know one shit about me but you try and be pally with me, I'm not so merciful.

There is this particular young lady who is quite a few years younger than I am and has promised me something. Now it's not important what that something is, but what's important here is that she was not able to keep her promise. I half-expected that, because I don't quite trust her as yet. However, I think it is just basic courtesy on her part to inform me that she would not have been able to keep that promise. It's courtesy damn it. I don't think I'm being petty here because it's just manners we're talking about. It looks as if her parents never taught her any manners and I sure hope they have.

She might have had an accident for all I care, and she might inform me late, but if she had the guts and the courtesy, I hope she'd at least now make an effort for a sincere apology.

The little bitch.

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Just a dose of moi.

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