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03.12.2002 Tuesday afternoon @ 3:47 p.m.
*Joy to the Girl*

All praises be to Allah, for He hath seen to it that I should make it to my next semester of course.

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I received quite a few sms-es and calls today from several people. I sms-ed some of them myself with regards to some matters. But it was this one particular sms at 7.30 in the morning that quickly jolted me up from my slumber.

"Exam results out now people!"

I just read it over and over again. As usual, they would release the results earlier than expected. I thought it was just another hoax but another friend's sms later in the day confirmed my doubts.

So, I, being the clueless trainee as always, tried to log in several times to view my results online, but as expected failed. Why? Because I'd been logging onto the wrong page! Argh!

But Norrah saved me. *phew* Thanks girl! Anyhow, I'd been expecting the worst but alhamdulillah, with His help I didn't have to repeat any modules. See, that's the most important thing to me. Because I still have the stigma that repeating is no good and that I just don't want to waste time doing the same module(s) that I'd done and lag behind my peers. I hate that. Lagging. I hate lagging. No offence to those who had to repeat.

I don't want to publish my results here, not because I am shameful, but because I believe I am still entitled to privacy. But I will not hesitate to tell you if you asked nicely. :) After all, I've been honest with those who asked me why I couldn't make it to here or here after my As. And I certainly don't look down on institutions like this or any other, because after all, we all have differing levels of capabilities and certainly not everyone is able to achieve the type of results that any other Tom, Dick or Harry is able to attain. But rest assured, if we put our minds to it and we work our butts off, Insya Allah, with faith, solat, do'a and perseverance, we will get there.


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I passed! Woohoo!!

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