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16.12.2002 Monday morning @ 5:07 a.m.

Officially feels like a Monday now. My nocturnalism are so apparent nowadays.

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Talked to a long-time friend just now via MSN. She's migrated to the UK and is currently doing psychology there. Wasn't that real close to her back in secondary school but I always manage to just click with her. Maybe it's due to her down-to-earth and jovial nature. She doesn't put on any airs even though she's been around and overseas. That's what I like about her.

She came back for Eid last year and we had so much fun visiting. I was hoping we could continue to visit again this year but alas, she'd only be back again next year Insya Allah. Hopefully I'd still be in the mood to bake Eid cookies then. *smirk*

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I just realised that I have quite a few adoring fans. And I don't even know who they are.

"Oh people, please do leave your nice footprints around!"

I like guests. They merrify the atmosphere. :) Oh well, I like the company anyway.

Don't you?

. . .

I got rid of the visuals. The old ones. Bah! Have put up new ones. Don't guess anymore. You already know.

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