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18.12.2002 Wednesday morning @ 1:27 a.m.
*Sluggish and lethargic*

Listening to them lessens my pain. Lest, I'm feeling much much better emotionally. And the back doesn't hurt that much.

But my stomach still has butterflies in it.

. . .

On another note, I made a Radiohead layout. Haha. It looks dark but well, they're sorta sad themselves. I mean they play sad music. But I get cheered up by them. Ack. How I contradict myself.

I've been flipping through the recipe book, trying to find some positive spirit to bake. But I get bored. I need new books, new books! My mini-pies turned out to be a shepherd-cum-lasagna. I cannot make mini-pies when I don't have the proper tray. Argh. Another one to put on the note-list. Buy myself a mini-pie tray. Ack ack ack.

. . .

I still cry silently. This facade is wearing me out.

. . .

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