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23.12.2002 Monday evening @ 7:56 p.m.
*Movie-licious Monday*

What can I say, I'm at a loss for words. Enough of the reviews already.

It's an epic damn it.

. . .

This week will be pretty busy. Ironic isn't it, that my practicum is nearing and there are so little of the holidays left, yet the days are packed with activities/programmes? Oh well, it's a good thing I suppose.

One of my good and close friends from secondary school will be coming tomorrow after work. I'm at a loss as to what to cook this time. Hmmm..hmmm..*ponder ponder*..I don't want to make noodles nor pasta. Bored of that. Hmmm..something ridiculously difficult? *grin* At least I'd feel more accomplished then. I know I will. Hmmm...

Oh well, cooking is still a skill that I need to polish up.

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I can't believe I'm missing talking to Rahul. Argh.

As Ms. J.P. would sing it, "It's just a little crush.."


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