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30.12.2002 Monday evening @ 9:41 p.m.
*Analyse This*

I have this most weird habit of leaving my food and go off doing something else. Like now, for instance, whereby I've just abandoned my pasta and Pepsi Twist and am now seeking refuge in front of Mr Freeze. Hmmm... and my ABC murder-book!

Oh no.

. . .

One of my dearest online friends has a new place somewhere. I'm not going to mention where it is but what I am going to mention is that, she's been forced to do so due to annoyingly curious people who would stoop low enough so as to stab her in the back whilst pretending to be nice to her upfront.

They're just a bunch of frigging hypocrites.

I relate to her in so many ways. I find it pretty amazing, because even though I can relate to some people, I find myself relating to her the most. In more ways than most, there are astounding similarities that I discovered over the time that I've known her. We're both the elder out of two siblings, we received much trauma over physical and emotional pain, we have had people acknowledging themselves to be our "close friends" yet those very same people say things about us behind our back and so on. The point is, I can really relate to her.

I can understand her dilemma of wanting to discontinue her writings at the old place. She couldn't trust anyone, not even those who knew her personally. Mind you, I'm just some stranger over the Net, so I don't expect her to trust me. I only felt disappointed for her that her very own "close friends" couldn't appreciate her for what she is. Sure, everyone has faults but if we keep pointing at other people's faults instead of analysing our own, then what's the use?

Other times we might analyse, some times we might overdo it. I'd say: moderation. This friend of mine does reflect on her faults and the things that she's done and it really amazes me how she's so critical of herself. It's just her "friends" keep putting her down. What kind of friends are they?

I don't know. They read too much into what she wrote and they accused her of things that even she herself was not aware of. She's nice and straightforward, what could be the cause?

Beats me. Everyone has a little bit of hypocrisy in them, including me, but exercising it in moderation, that is the key.

Indeed, the key.

. . .

Now I shall return to my pasta and Pepsi Twist. Another foodie moment brought to you by Suhaila. *chuckle*

. . .

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