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02.11.2003 Sunday morning @ 11:45 a.m.
*3, 2,!*

Kalau kau perasan kan, kau akan nampak yang aku selalunya jarang update pada hari pertama sesuatu bulan. Biasanya aku start update hari kedua. [*Edit: Bila aku tengok balik, macam tak betul pulak. Nampaknya tahun nie resolusi informal aku ialah untuk mula update pada hari pertama setiap bulan. Hampeh!]

Heran jugak eh?

Aku cuma cakap je. Sebenarnya aku pun tak tau kenapa. Hehehe.

. . .

Moving on from the mother tongue to English.

Now what was it that I'd wanted to write about..dang, I've forgotten. Sigh, this is what happens when you multitask. Too many things being done at the same time till you forget to focus.

Um..*thinks hard for a few minutes*..

I think I'm going to give up now. I just can't remember.

Be back later. Hopefully.

. . .

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