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19.12.2004 Sunday morning @ 12:39 a.m.
*The big Kahuna*

I have decided.

I will start on a great, fabulous diet-cum-regime in an effort to shed off the humungous pounds. I want to be less than 100 110 pounds. (Translated, it just means 50 kg.) It is highly plausible that I am way beyond the limit which I have set for myself.

There is no way I am going back to my former body weight. No fucken way. I had worked hard to reduce my size and I want to keep it that way. In other words: a great, fabulous diet-cum-regime.

And you will help me, won't you?

*grin grin grin*

I am determined! I will work hard to kick off the fats! I will lay off the chocolates (*sniff*), fast food (*sob*) and oily goodies (*wail*)! I will eat healthier food! I will run! I will persevere!

Great, fabulous I come.

*Edit: 100 pounds equals 45 kg.

. . .

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