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03.03.2005 Thursday night @ 8:39 p.m.
*I say*

Typical Suhaila-esque sentences.

When one of the favourite kids, who's in Blue Group, starts her incessive whining in a manja-esque voice:
"You talk one more time and I will bite your cheeks. Armm armmm armmmm!"

When the mini-kid with the owlish glasses comes up yet again to ask for permission to the toilet:
"You go to the toilet too many times. But I'll give you another chance. GO!"

When colleagues comment on the oral hygiene routine:
(mouth thick with toothpaste)"Ahm yooshed thoo weet."

When a particular Arab colleague smiles sweetly and innocently, asking for a hug:
"Stay away from me! Don't crush my nose!"

When a petite and pretty colleague walks by at the end of a long day:
"You have a perky butt. Come here and let me touch your butt!"

. . .

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Diaryland // Email?