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10.03.2005 Thursday evening @ 8:04 p.m.
*Amek obat!*

This entry is about yesterday, and solely about yesterday. Bleah.

The kids have been irritating me this week. They have been ULTRA-hyper and noisy, that it really gets on my nerves. What with the Primary 1 profiling shit and the shifting to the new building next door, it's a week full of madness!

Seeing most (if not all) my colleagues packing their stuff into big, uniform boxes gets me into a panic frenzy. Compared to them, I am one helluva laidback slacker mack (don't know what it is, but it's a nice term yah?). The children's things (books+files) are still stacked in class, albeit a quarter having been returned to them for the term. MY own personal stuff are still unpacked and collecting dust on my table. And I haven't gotten my required 2 boxes (for packing) yet.

And stoopid stoopid woman whom I majorly loathe. Blergh. She's about the only one whom I cannot, for the life of me, like (try as I might). I don't mind some others, with their flaws and prominent egos, because at least they do so openly. This particular woman just gets my goat lar. I think I've actually showed a bit of attitude towards her yesterday.

Her : Ah Suhaila! There you are! We're doing packing now, you must come.
Me : I'm marking.

But yeah, since she's in charge of the department I'm in, I had to help pack. Though you know, I don't mind doing it and I wouldn't have minded it, if:
1. she's not damn pushy
2. I hadn't gotten the packing date mixed up (thought it would be on a Wednesday during March hols; didn't realise it was in the last week of the term)
3. I didn't have CCA on the same day from 8-fucking-o'clock-till-10 in the morning

I had been marking for half an hour or so when she called. So I did some major back-and-arm straining till about noon: packing stuff, carrying over the boxes next door, unpacking and placing boxes in one of the new, pristine labs. By then it was time to run back to class because being a double session school and being a day when there's contact time (12.45-1.30pm) and assembly (1.30-2pm), the afternoon kids (those who come by school bus or had been dumped straight by lazy parents who refuse to send their kids later) would head straight for class and stay there from 12-12.30 while the morning kids sit down in the hall-cum-canteen for their own assembly (12.-12.30pm). It's complicated lar but most kids usually come at 1.30pm on Wednesdays instead of the usual 12-12.30 on other days. Just the few kids who have gundu parents, that result in teachers performing extra babysitting services.

Thank God my lessons only begin at 4pm on Wednesdays, so I had time to finish my marking, perform my recess duty, perform prayers (in secret places), have lunch and do the other necessary shitty admin stuff that all teachers have to bear with.

Suckiest day for the week, no doubt.

. . .
I am simply smelling the weekend aroma. Food, I need super-good food. Rarr!

. . .

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