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22.08.2005 Monday morning @ 4:00 a.m.
*A cross of cultures*

I am still not asleep at this unearthly hour of 4 in the morning because I have consumed too much caffeine in the form of Pepsi Twist. For the past God-knows-how-many-hours, I have been playing games, reading blogs/journals/diaries, catching up with a few friends and just stoning at the screen.

A few minutes ago, I just stumbled upon a photo archive of a wedding - that of a local Malay girl and her ang moh husband. I just find it cute and fascinating that this Caucasian man and his family actually embraced the Malay wedding traditions (possibly with some initial trepidations but later enthusiasism), complete with the whole mandi bunga process.

Love is universal.

. . .

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