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30.12.2005 Friday morning @ 1:10 a.m.
*All in a day's work*

I'm hungry. Despite having eaten a bowl of soupy fish beehoon at 6++pm earlier.

That's not the reason for this post though. Now..what was it that I'd wanted to write? Damn, it had been circling in my mind just a few minutes earlier! Stoopid stoopid. Gah.

Okay, let me think again.

*pause for a few minutes*

Ahhh, I have recalled! Eureka!

I'd wanted to post about settling my brother's school apparel, which will have to be done later by hook or by crook, as Friday is *the* last day to do so during the holidays. The whole lot (minus PE T-shirts and shorts) amounts to a whopping $74. Blergh. Thank goodness I'd kept away $200 in the brother's savings account. Will have to start pumping the other working adult in this house monthly for the brother's education fund.

Hell yeah, I'm evil.

Oh, and I lost my school tag. Grrr.

. . .

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