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04.01.2006 Wednesday evening @ 7:05 p.m.
*Not that fat*

I had a horrifying nightmare last night. In it, my weight had increased to 68 kg.


I've never ever been 68 kg. The heaviest I've been was 60 kg and that was bad alright. My waist had been roughly 33/34 inches and it was extremely difficult to fit into clothes. Don't even mention about them being pretty or fashionable to me.

Ever since JC days, I've been determined to lose the weight and alhamdulillah, I've managed to shed about 6-7 kg. Nowadays, even though I *dream* about losing more weight to enter the 40s region (48 or 49 pun jadilah, asalkan 40something hahaha), I'm finding it more and more difficult. Obviously, it's because I've been getting lazier and there's no one to monitor nor push me like my old PE teachers did (the girls should remember Nordin!).

So now I'm contented to stick to a healthy and balanced diet with more long walks and climbing up the stairs. If I'm lucky, I might still be able to retain my Friday night badminton sessions, insya Allah. Worse comes to worse, I'll just buy another racket and have weekly games with the brother. ;-)

All the best to me!

. . .

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