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22.01.2006 Sunday morning @ 3:11 a.m.
*You're beautiful*

My initial plans to drag my not-so-sorry ass to school on a SATURDAY to finish off some work, had gone up in smoke. Instead (and all thanks to Iskandar), I had a cheap and rather appetising meal in a halal cafe, besides doing some quick shopping in a people-infested area.


School is taking its toll on me. Despite having spent a mere 3 weeks, my body is drained. I feel drained. The kids are definitely cheekier this year. Having taken them last year (with a few exceptions due to shuffling and some transfers), they're of course more familiar with me and my ways but on the flipside, they can guess my methods. I've had to resort to being a witch in class on several occasions.

The work has been piling on and there are shitloads to mark, not to mention nitty-gritty duties and extras that are dumped on in the name of "responsibility". Also, the fact that most of the gila-gila colleagues are in the morning session, makes it harder for us to see each other (what more interact) on a daily basis.

But well, these are the parcels of life. I'm thankful though that most of the kids are picking up pretty quickly, even one or two of the weak ones. It makes me more determined to ensure that they learn well and enjoy learning at the same time. It also gives me the drive to make more resources and tools that will hopefully, facilitate their learning. Insya Allah, I pray that I'll be able to carry out my tasks as efficiently as I can.

At this point in this entry, I'm stumped as to what to write next. I'd started on a few sentences, each non-related to the rest, but I didn't feel like continuing. They seem really redundant and useless anyway, just information that's only meaningful to Iskandar and me. So I'll leave them out.

This journal's getting so mundane yeah? Heheheheheh.

Okay I'm out.

. . .

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