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25.01.2006 Wednesday evening @ 7:11 p.m.
*Just a thought*

I'm trying to compile the significant events in my course of relationship with him. How we first met, the first official date etc. It's just a little project I'm doing for my old age (and some anonymous people hurhurhur).

Anyhow, I'd read an article in the news recently, about an old woman in Malaysia who had passed away yet having her funeral delayed to a confusion as to her religion. Her identity card had stated that she was a Malay-Muslim yet she had grown and lived the life of a Buddhist. Thus, the authorities were unsure as to bury her according to Muslim or Buddhist rites, even though she had specified before that she'd wished to be buried the Buddhist way.

Having read that article, I began to wonder:

Had she been brought up as a Buddhist?
Did she ever wonder about the conflicting statement as to her religion in her identity card?
Was she considered a murtad, if she had never practised Islam?

Oh well, Allah knows better.

For myself, I pray that I don't die out of my faith, insya Allah. We can be so-called devout and practising Muslims but we can never tell if Allah decides to make us deviate away from Islam.

Pray that you don't end up doing so.

. . .

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