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26.01.2006 Thursday morning @ 12:09 a.m.
*Take it as a compliment*

During contact time meeting earlier in the day, I was seated beside a male colleague who happened to be a burly-looking Tamil teacher. Both of us were obviously not paying attention to what the head was saying but somehow the word "elections" popped out from the mouth of said colleague.

And then he asked me, "Eh, can you vote in the coming election?"

"Of course I can. I'm over 21," I replied.

"Really ah? You look so young lah, I thought you couldn't vote." He was already grinning away cheesily.

"Eh, how old did you think I am?" said I.

"I thought you're still 18!" he guffawed.

Chis! I wasn't even that young when I joined the force. :p

. . .

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