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04.04.2006 Tuesday evening @ 7:50 p.m.
*What got my goat*

It's rare for me to be home (from school) on a weekday before 8 in the evening. I'll usually be on the way back around this time.

However, here I am now, all fresh and clean after a refreshing bath and solat. Alhamdulillah.

On another note, I'm miffed about two things that happened in school today.

#1: The Mystery Of The Late-Coming Lunch

I'd trudged downstairs to the canteen during recess, to request my favourite canteen sister for fried Maggi mee. As she was busy serving hordes of hungry children at the time, she promised to have my lunch (and technically, breakfast) ready afterwards. Alright with me. So I returned upstairs to continue with work and more marking.

Anyhow, as it turned out, I didn't see my lunch until there was only 5 minutes left of my 3 free periods (the first free period included the recess). It was partly my fault as I'd assumed that my canteen sister would bring my lunch up if I didn't appear, as in a few instances before. But what really got my goat was the fact that a colleague, PA, had gone down to the same stall, was asked by the canteen sister to bring my lunch up for me, and yet had remained there chatting away with some of her friends for the bulk of our free periods (we both teach the same level).

I mean, I wouldn't have known until I'd gone down myself at 4.20pm just to check. PA herself admitted that she'd been down there since after recess till then, talking to two other colleagues from the AM session. She has since apologised to me.

#2: The Affair Of The (Unknowingly) Rude Senior

This incident happens to be recurring and has happened many times before, as it involves a senior colleague whose class is just next door to mine (as in the previous year as well).

She has this habit of just barging into my class without so much as a knock or an apology most of the time, either to so-called "share" her creative ideas and resources on Art, or to demand assistance when she has trouble with some technological and technical aspects.

Now, I don't mind attending to her needs or lending my attention to her thoughts and ideas. However, there are appropriate times to do so, and it's especially inappropriate when I'm in the middle of a lesson. Can you imagine, you're about to jump into the most exciting aspect of your lesson, when along comes your next-door neighbour who's nearing the age of senility, barging into your class and disrupting the flow of your activity? It's maddening alright? I really really don't mind if it happens say two or three times in a lifetime but hey, two or three times a week? That's equivalent to 12 disruptions in a month!

For goodness' sake, at least APOLOGISE for intruding into my class or can't you just KNOCK before you come in? It's freaking rude alright?

Damn it man.

. . .

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