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21.02.2007 Wednesday morning @ 12:37 a.m.
*9 - 12*

Rolling about still into an hour
awakened suddenly by a call
being enquired with have-you-taken-your-shower
before replying with no-not-at-all
and a frantic motion followed
with gushes of water falling about
while far away, distant voices bellowed
once or twice within a shout
ready against everything
dizzying into the background
constantly on the floor searching
while thoughts ran amidst a stagnant sound
to be startled by a beep
to be jolted into action
with various things under "to keep"
where all came into fruition.


. . .

21.02.2007 Wednesday morning @ 12:30 a.m.
*Gegen alles bereit*

That girl by the counter
with the groovy dress
her beigey headgear
and her tight little ass.
Her shapely legs underneath black tights
her slender arms gesturing to order
her silhouette visible under the lights
her get-up they do not cover.
When she raises her hand all eyes flicker
when she utters a word all ears prick up
when she grabs her purse breaths go asunder
when she turns to go hearts go rub-a-dub-dub.
From behind her everyone sees stars
for their thoughts run as far as 500 miles
from her front they stop with the farce
as they realise that she isn't worth their whiles.

There! That will never be me!
Never will I be that girl at the counter
for I do not wish to follow society
and I'll always be what I prefer.
The physical may adapt to the sands of time
and femininity may take precedence
but trees will I forever try to climb
and never will I lose my principles and confidence.

Inspired by Couch.

. . .

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Diaryland // Email?