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27.09.2007 Thursday night @ 9:55 p.m.
*Of learning languages*

I feel like taking up Spanish now (besides Japanese). There's just something sexy about it, especially when tongues are rolling about in a dash. And I think I learn languages better through listening. It's faster to learn by memory, ne?

Another language that I'd been thinking of pursuing (again, besides Japanese) is French. Bedz, what about it eh? Both of us have only like, a term's experience and for me that was like so aeons ago. Heh. Wonder if any community clubs offer courses in the languages that I'm interested in?

Oh well. :)

Estoy esperando con impaciencia los macarrones!

. . .

27.09.2007 Thursday morning @ 2:20 a.m.
*Meme overload*

You can find this in my Multiply but what the heck. I'm bored and anal (but not nearly as anal as la se�ora con los huesos grandes en mi escuela.) And I can't wait for Bleach episode 142 to start because I want to see the guys march into Hueco Mundo and save Orihime from the arrancars damn it! The only reason why the Espada are so HOT is because they'd been created with el espa�ol references. Hah!

01.What does your shout-out mean?
I'm guessing the shout-out here refers to the one in Friendster? -- "Now I'm really BLEACH-ed." For those who know my obsessive-compulsive side, it's an obvious reference to the anime Bleach.

02.What does your default photo mean?
Which one eh? *mutter mutter* It's just a photo damn it. It doesn't mean anything!

03.The first person you thought of just now?
My babe Big Ben. He called me mahhh.

04.What's your current status?
Engaged to be married, insya Allah. :-)

05.What are you wearing right now?
Grey slacks and my white Urbankarma tee.

06.What's your current problem?
Work lah, what else. SS exhibition at the end of the year lehhh. *mutter mutter*

07.Do you have a date this Friday ?
Unfortunately, not for this month. Hurhur.

08.What makes you the happiest?
Being on holiday! :-D

09.Ever met anyone from Friendster?
Yeap, those whom I'd known before Friendster ever evolved. Hahaha.

10.What were you doing at 12am yesterday?
Watching Saiyuki. :p

11.What are your nervous habits?
Hmmm, I don't think it's a habit but I get tiny red spots on my body especially ankles, legs and arms whenever my body is super-stressed and nervous.

12.Ever had a near death experience?
Hmmm, so far no alhamdulillah.

13.One song that's stuck in your mind?
Rihanna's "Umbrella", no thanks to KL (who sang it despite having heard it once in a cab) and Big Ben (who uses it as his ring tone!).

14.Any celeb you would marry?
Oh I dunno, James Iha would be nice. Or maybe Julian Hee. Damn, I'm spoilt for choice! Haha.

15.Who will cut and paste this first?
Limah maybe? But only if she's bored.

16.Someone who shares the same birthday as you?
No but there ARE people who have birthdays just a day before me: my colleague JE and my coz! :p

17.Do you have a crush on someone?
Well there's Ishida Uryuu (Bleach), Ulquiorra Schiffer (Bleach), Fuuchoin Kazuki (Get Backers), Cho Hakkai (Saiyuki series), James Iha (Pumpkins)...oh Big Ben? He's not a crush but MY LOVE. :-D

18.Vandalised someone's private property?

19.Ever sung in front of a group?
Unfortunately for the group, yes. *hides*

20.What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Green tea frappe!

21.What was your 4th text message you sent today?
Grammatical errors aside: "Ok. Btw Im going to be late. I overslept. Sorry!"

22.What did your last received text say?
"Hi Su. U taking 2moro skipping?"

23.Ever hurt yourself on purpose?

24.Something totally random?
Oh my God I love my cards! :p

25.Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
No but I was mistaken for a "Wan Nadia" at one time, in a mosque!

26.Do you do karaoke?
Ouh yeah. I do a mean "La Obe." Muahahahaha.

27.Do you listen to System of a Down?

28.What is the closest thing to you?
My laptop lor, since I'm using it now. Chey.

29.Do you have anything pierced?
My ears but they'd closed since.

30.Do you eat fish?

31. Do you like pain?
Come, lemme poke you with a needle 1001 times and I'll see how *you* like it eh? (Apa punya soalan nieh?)

32.Do you like to shop?
Ouh yeah but I prefer to shop alone. :p

33.Whose bed did you last sleep in?
Mine lor. And it's a mattress by the way.

34.Thing you paid with a credit card?
Credit cards are evil! Which is why I don't own any. Hurhur.

35.Last person you talked on the phone?
My Big Ben! :-)

36.Background on your desktop?
Well, you can click here to view it.

37.Do you have any weird relatives?
Ho yeah. Hurhur.

38.The last movie you watched?

39.What was the last book you read?
An Agatha Christie whodunnit. "The Pale Horse" I think.

40. What did you last eat?
An oily samosa. Hurrr.

41.Favorite mall to shop at?
Bugis Junction I guess, 'cos it's so convenient based on where I work. ;-)

42.Recent pair of shoes/slippers you bought?
Um, my wedding shoes?

43. What song are you listening to?
Justin Timberlake's "What Goes Around / Comes Around".

44.Whats your favourite thing on display in your room?
The red frame that he gave me for my birthday this year. It has our photo in it. :-)

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