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20.01.2008 Sunday morning @ 1:17 a.m.
*Long one*

I feel very tired these days.

Disregarding the mood of the previous entry, I've been feeling tired even before the new term started. Just thinking about the workload (and more to come, still) made me frazzled and exhausted. I never thought I'd ever feel so tired just thinking!

Well, I had to snap out of reality and get my butt cracking anyway, so down to business I did. What with numero dos informing me of the swap in one of my departments, having to retain one of the responsibilities from last year and being voted vice-chairman for the staff welfare committee, I foresee myself having more sleepless Sunday nights than ever! (Being the heavy-now-sometime procrastinator that I am.)

I'm glad I still enjoy teaching the kids though. Following up my form class from last year is a blessing and despite having misgivings taking on a P6 class for a non-examinable subject this year, I enjoy imparting the skills down to them. Having them ask questions and cracking their own heads for the answers is even more enjoyable. :)

A change in the environment in the form of a transferred-out colleague (who is fun, responsible and makes a great fun as well) isn't always the best but hey, I have to get over it. I used to be able to just turn my head and go, "ML! Have you caught episode (insert number) of Bleach??" or "ML! I gotta tell you something!" but now, I'll just leave her a text message or chat her up online. I've been working with her on our house banner every single year ever since I joined the school and I'll sure be missing her creativity when the crunch time comes.

I think the best thing out of all this is at least, having a husband to come home to. Thank you my dear!

* * *

Random shits.

One of my kids laughs like a horse. I really should record it down someday. I've heard him laughing before but to hear him laugh like really loud and long was a shock. He does laugh like a horse. Hurhur.

I miss going out with a cousin, just the two of us. We used to be quite random, just messaging each other a day/week before the stipulated day but nowadays, it's pretty hard to do so due to both of our work schedules. I'm just glad that when we do manage to meet up, alone or not, we're able to catch up and update each other on the happenings in our lives. It's also gratifying to think about the plan that's happening sometime soon, God willing. Oh, the anticipation!

I used to be unable to fathom why some couples cling to each other like leeches (yes, it's a bad term to use) but now that I am in the zone myself, I can understand why. Mind you, I never really experienced this sort of thing when Big Ben and me were in the dating/engagement stage -- perhaps on and off -- but nowadays, it's like an urge to see his face right at the end of my working day. Heck, even when he's out with his pals or gone down to the convenience shop, I can't wait for him to return safe and sound. Is this normal? This feeling of wanting to hold on to him and never let go? Or does it only happen at the beginning stages of marriage?

I'm going for classes again! I got over the mental barrier and just did it. I've managed two classes so far this week and I'm aiming to maintain it next week. Hopefully, my enthusiasm doesn't fizzle out on me. If it's not that, it's the frustration in having classes fully booked. Gah! I really must book 2-3 days in advance now and just GO.

I want to eat ice-cream from Island Creamery. There's so much hype about it but I've yet to try it for myself. Is it really worth the hype and money? I miss good ol' chocolate fudge brownie. Mmmm mmm!

And speaking of brownies, Bedz's brownies are pretty good! I finished most of them myself and saved only a square for the hubs, hurhur. Yeah, that's how mean I was. That was some weeks back but hey, I can still remember the taste. I should have warmed them first to have an even better taste but you know how lazy I am. :p

Oooh, I can't wait for a short local getaway!

. . .

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